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  • 确认我们将个人获得的团队奖项视为符合“国家或国际认可的较小奖项或领域卓越奖项”标准的依据

在政策指南中,移民局明确表述:“Nothing precludes the person from relying on a team award, provided the person is one of the recipients of the award.” 如果申请人是获奖者的其中一员,申请人可以依据团队获奖来主张获奖这一条。

移民局还具体通过Footnote解释: “In general, qualifying awards include team awards where each member receives a trophy, certification, or medal; appears on the podium or stage; or is specifically named in the awarding organization’s announcement of the award selection. Examples include members of a musical group who receive an award and relay team members who appear together on the medal podium.”



  • 澄清我们将过去的会员资格视为符合会员资格标准的依据

在政策指南中,移民局明确表述:“USCIS determines if the association for which the person claims present or past membership requires that members have outstanding achievements in the field as judged by recognized experts in that field.”也就是,过去有会员资格,现在没有会员资格,也可以获得认可“符合会员资格标准”。

就这一点,需要注意的是,移民局还通过Footnote做了如下表述:“While current membership is not required to meet the plain language requirements of this criterion, if the petition is not accompanied by any recent evidence, the length of time since membership may be a consideration for whether the person has sustained acclaim in the final merits determination.” “虽然当前的会员资格并非满足该标准明确语言要求的必要条件,但如果申请没有附带任何近期证据,会员资格的时间长度可能会成为是否在最终实质性裁定中认定该个人保持声誉的考量因素。” 这句话直译过来比较绕口,但是,实际意思是说,如果是过去的会员资格,申请人也没有提交近期继续从事该领域的证据,那么,移民局会在两步分析法时,考虑过去的会员资格的长短。

  • 删除了关于“已发表材料必须证明个人工作和贡献价值”才能满足已发表材料标准的表述

经过这次删除后,移民局对发表专业文章,仅仅留下了以下定义:“As defined in the academic arena, a scholarly article reports on original research, experimentation, or philosophical discourse.” “在学术领域中,学术文章被定义为报告原创研究、实验或哲学讨论的文献。” 也就是,只要发表过专业文章,就会满足这一条标准,而无需再证明“已发表材料必须证明个人工作和贡献价值”才能满足已发表材料标准。


  • 解释了尽管词典将“展览”定义为不限于艺术的公开展示,但相关法规明确将该术语修改为“艺术的”,因此我们只会在有充分支持的情况下,将非艺术展览视为可比证据的部分

在政策指南中,移民局明确表述:“While the dictionary definition includes public showings other than those that are artistic in nature, the plain language of the criterion includes the modifier “artistic” and explicitly requires that the exhibitions or showcases be artistic in nature. USCIS only considers non-artistic exhibitions or showcases as part of a properly supported claim of comparable evidence.” “虽然词典定义包括除了艺术性质以外的公开展示,但该标准的明确语言包含了“艺术的”修饰词,并明确要求展览或展示具有艺术性质。美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)仅在适当支持的可比证据申诉中考虑非艺术性的展览或展示。“

